An image of a phone lay on a table. The phone is displaying an image of Edison Medias TikTok account.

TikTok has taken the world by storm with its innovative content creation, and Gen Z has become its primary user base. With 40% of people between 18-25 preferring TikTok over other search engines, it even surpassed Google in traffic last year. If you want to grow your brand in 2023, mastering TikTok SEO is crucial.

Here are 10 tips to help you create content that ranks on TikTok and reaches more Gen Z consumers:

  1. Leverage TikTok’s optimisation for search. TikTok has added recommended search queries and increased the character count to 2200, allowing for more context and keywords in your content. Additionally, Google now lists TikTok short-form videos within its SERPs.
  2. Use TikTok top ads to see what’s converting for your audience. This will give you an idea of what content resonates with your target audience and can guide your content creation process.
  3. Review comments and shares to identify pain points and patterns. What are people saying and sharing, and what can you learn from it?
  4. Analyse the most engaging point of the video. This will help you identify which part of your content resonates with your audience and help you create more engaging content in the future.
  5. Break down videos into headlines, SEO, captions, sounds, callouts, and hooks/engagement points. Analysing these components will help you understand what makes a video engaging and how you can replicate it for your brand.
  6. Create a TikTok series around low to medium-difficulty search queries. By finding and owning a search query with potential, you can turn TikTok into a growth machine for your brand. Look for queries with medium search volume, high relevance, and low to medium keyword difficulty.
  7. Follow a proven recipe for ranking. To rank on TikTok, select the keyword you want to rank for and inject it into your cover photo, in-video text, what you say, and captions. Add the relevant hashtag and supporting hashtags for maximum impact.
  8. Identify videos with high shares. These videos highlight a pain point and provide a solution; you can replicate them for your brand.
  9. Text placements are key. Ensure you never cover a user’s engagement point with text/buttons.
  10. Don’t spam or finish on a logo. Always end on a CTA to drive engagement.

Bonus Tip: If you’re reusing content, ensure it’s been cleansed of metadata first. Use a free online tool to do so.

By implementing these tips, you can effectively leverage TikTok’s SEO to grow your brand and reach more Gen Z consumers. Start implementing these strategies today and watch your TikTok presence thrive in 2023.


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