Working with Crimestoppers.

Helping to raise awareness
Our partnership with Crimestoppers began in 2020 to raise awareness about women’s safety and boost reporting of suspicious and potentially dangerous behaviours. Crimes against women are on the rise* with research showing 1 in 3 women in the UK having experienced physical or sexual abuse in their lifetime. Now more than ever, it’s not only our job but a necessity that we do everything in our power to help raise awareness and try to bring an end to these types of crimes.
A campaign’s success depends on knowledge and research, so our in-house team are always first off the block. Finding the best way to communicate our message by breaking down the issue and coming up with options. After briefing the team, we started building our plan, and the creative team got to work designing it.

From our collected data, we could determine hot spots and crucial areas that needed to be hit and work our way out, creating a complete 360 plan to let us speak directly to our target audience and the surrounding demographics.
With such a complex subject, it was always going to be challenging to measure the campaign’s success but what we did see was an increase in reports in and around all targetted areas leading to more arrests, interventions and an overall reduced number of crimes.
This initial campaign laid the foundations for what would become one of our most vital client relationships that is still going strong three years on.
As a registered charity organisation, along with all other charitable organisations we work with, we offer a hugely discounted rate. For more information on this, please get in touch here.
* Figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) between April 2020 and March 2021.