The image displays a sign in a desert with a moody and grey sky in the back ground. The sign displays text that reads 'Recession Ahead'.

Are We In a Recession Yet?

Employees and budgets are usually the first casualties of any recession. With the ever-increasing signs that we’re not only in one but potentially one of the worst ones we’ve seen in decades, when do we have to start to have the conversation about potentially life-changing decisions?
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The image shows a female in an office environment using a VR headset to work.

The Future of Digital Marketing

37% of businesses last increased their digital marketing budgets in 2021, closing at a rate of 1 in 2. Here’s what you can do to avoid business suicide.This statistic will only evolve. However, you can stop this by increasing organic traffic and visibility through SEO or social media presence, although it can be tricky to know what to focus on.63% of people are now online. Therefore, customers are becoming more aware of what they want. Market expectations have become more specific through your website, social media channels or content.
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Digital Target Marketing offers a broad range of online services from retail branding and shopping cart development, to email & mobile marketing. With state-of-the-art reporting, site analytics, & build-a-brand testing, we can track where every penny is best spent along with where your campaign is succeeding & where it needs a lift.

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